Taylor's oldest fan? We think not! Taylor visits with Mr. Wise from Colchester pre-pitch!

A group of Red Cross (and Taylor) fans!
Finally... a few GIRL fans! Remember, Taylor's camp is for girls too so get some friends together and sign up! It's sure to be a fun week!
Taylor visits with two boys who are coming to his camp this year! See you July 30th guys!
Some boys from Colchester asked to take a picture of Taylor with their cell-phone camera, so we got one of THEM with ours!
And another Star of Vermont Basketball...Taylor takes a few minutes to catch up with former UVM coach Tom Brennan.
What would a baseball game be without throwing some heat? Taylor and Chris took on the radar detector. Chris' wind-up looks ready for the majors but we're going to keep Taylor on the basketball court... :)
Thanks to everyone who came out and saw Taylor! We hope to see you at the next one!
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