The first annual Barre Partnership Waffle-Off at L.A.C.E. was HUGELY fun for Taylor! He got to meet some pretty fun people and eat. Waffles. With lots of fun toppings. For about two hours. If you have ever met Taylor, you know that this rates as one of the most fun things to do in a weekend. Or EVER. :)

Here is Taylor taking a bite of the very first waffle cooked by The Champ.

Taylor takes the mic to reveal the verdict:

"While we enjoyed competitor's waffle, The Champ's was just slightly more fluffy and just what we were expecting from a waffle although he could work on the presentation."

And present he did.
As did the second competitor with her orange zest waffle toppled with blueberries.
The third competitor's PROTEIN RICH waffle.

The Chef's answer to the 4th competitor's Raised Overnight Yeast Waffle was this perfectly cooked, topped with chocolate ice cream and sauce waffle. Taylor loves waffles. Taylor loves chocolate. This was a perfect marriage and his top pick this round.
Finally, the fifth competitor cooks his "Ancient Family Secret Recipe". Can The Champ compete with this?
They're still cooking...
The verdict is in...
Taylor says, "We loved The Champ's waffles. Each time he consistently put out a waffle to be proud of so I'm going to congratulate The Champ on.... SECOND PLACE. Colin, we loved your family secret recipe and the topping was delicicious. Congratulations on your BIG WIN. We hope to see you next year.
Sign the petition to get Taylor signed by the Celtics.
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