Did you catch Taylor on the radio this morning? He was live in the studio with Charlie and Ernie of WVMT (620am) chatting about the parade, his camp, and his future plans. He even brought them breakfast!
As promised, here are the pictures from the 4th of July! If you have any pictures of Taylor and would like to share them with us, please email mbterr02@stlawu.edu and we'll get them up here!
(If you're looking twice, yes, that is a Jazzercise shirt Taylor is wearing! He loves Jazzercise and kept those jazzercisers going during the parade!)

Abby wasn't quite tall enough to reach the hoop, but that didn't matter at the Coppenrath
Holiday Hoop Shoot, Taylor brought her right up!
Abby's twin brother, Drew, didn't want her to have an unfair advantage... up he went!

Taylor takes a pre-parade break to visit with host of the party, Marianne and her daugther, Anna

Taylor stopped along the way to sign autographs and say hi to everyone!
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